There is a lot of paperwork that has to be completed when you apply for benefits.
There is the initial application that has to be filled out. This form is several pages that must be filled out and submitted to start the claim process.
Once the claim is started, both the Social Security Administration (SSA) and Disability Determination Services (DDS) will send out other forms, including a function report, a third party function report, a work history report, a seizure report, pain reports and more, that also need to be filled out. Failing to fill out ANY of the forms can result in your application being denied.
It is also your responsibility to keep both SSA and DDS informed of any changes to your medical condition, changes to your doctors, changes in you work and any other changes that could affect your ability to work.
If your initial claim is denied, there is additional paperwork that has to be completed in order to have the claim reconsidered by a new group of people. The paperwork is just as much here as in the initial application. Your responsibilities are the same as in the application process.
If the reconsideration is denied, there is STILL more paperwork that has to be filed in order to have a Judge hear your case. At this point, your responsibilities are still the same as in the initial application.
Much of the paperwork at any point in the process, is required to be returned within a few short weeks or your claim may be denied for failure to cooperate with SSA.
Some of the paperwork will require you to appear for medical exams. If you fail to show up for the medical exams, that may also result in a denial for failure to cooperate with SSA.
Any of the paperwork that is not completed can result in a denial of the claim at any point.
When you hire our firm for your claim, we make sure that all of the paperwork, at every single step, is properly filled out and turned in on time so that you don’t have to worry about failing to comply with SSA requirements.
Also, we make sure that the paperwork is filed as quickly as possible so that you get your benefits as quickly as possible.