Step 2: Request for Reconsideration
Since most applications are initially denied, the second step is to request reconsideration. This is the same for both SSD and SSI claims.
The request can be filed online, in person, or by mail. If you hire us, we will file the Reconsideration request for you, even if you did not contact us until after you received the initial denial.
This step is substantially the same as the initial application process. There is more paperwork, more medical records, and possibly more consultative exams. The claimant is always responsible for keeping DDS and SSA informed of all medical providers, medical conditions, and doctor and hospital visits. When you are our client, we make sure this is done for you.
Failing to complete anything that has been asked of you usually results in a denial for failure to comply.
Generally, only 13% of Requests for Reconsideration are approved for benefits.
Most people receive a denial letter at this step as well.